Monday 29 March 2021

pic(k) of the week #2

Yesterday, Paula and I were walking along an obscure path in the Po Kak Tsai (‘poke in the eye’) area (I’ve described this path as ‘obscure’ because I’d be surprised if anyone else other than the people who live along its 150-metre length are aware of its existence). Suddenly, Paula stopped. She had spotted a lizard a short distance ahead. Naturally, I stopped too, to see whether we could take any photos, and this was the result:
These two photos were taken by Paula, but I also managed a couple of decent shots of the lizard on a vertical wall:
I already knew that geckos can scale vertical surfaces—I’ve even seen them walking across a ceiling—but I didn’t realize that this is a talent possessed by other species. I think that this is a member of the same species that I featured in Pic(k) of the Week (changeable lizard, Calotes versicolor).

I see many lizards, but in most cases they’re already doing a runner by the time I’m aware of their existence, because they see me first.


  1. This lizard is young and dare to stand in front of strangers without running away!!!


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